function TForm1.changeRmb(const strRmb:string):string;var txt,strhighlevel:string; i,n,m,ilen,ipos:Integer; //n记录整数部分长度,m记录分数部分长度 strarray,strlevel:array of string; p:pchar; ispoint:boolean;//判断是否有小数点begin ispoint:=false; result:=''; ipos:=0; m:=0; txt:=Trim(strRmb); i:=1; p:=PChar(txt); //去除开头的0,以及. if ((txt[1]='0') and (txt[2]<>'.')) or (txt[1]='.') then begin ShowMessage('第1位不能为0或者是.,退出操作'); exit; end; //检查字符的合法性 while (i'9') or ((p^<'0') and (P^<>'.')) then //ord('.')=46 begin ShowMessage(PChar('第'+inttostr(i)+'位包含非数字字符,将退出操作')); Exit; end; if P^='.' then if ispoint then begin showmessage('太多小数点,将退出!'); exit; end else begin ipos:=i; ispoint:=true; end; Inc(p); Inc(i); end;//while ilen:=Length(txt); if ispoint then begin n:=ipos-1; m:=ilen-ipos; end else n:=ilen; //判断是否超过万,或亿 if m>3 then begin ShowMessage('小数点后位数超过3,无法转换!'); Exit; end; SetLength(strarray,ilen+8); SetLength(strlevel,ilen+8); for i:=iLen downto 1 do begin if txt[i]<>'.' then case strtoint(txt[i]) of 1:strarray[i]:='壹'; 2:strarray[i]:='贰'; 3:strarray[i]:='叁'; 4:strarray[i]:='肆'; 5:strarray[i]:='伍'; 6:strarray[i]:='陆'; 7:strarray[i]:='柒'; 8:strarray[i]:='捌'; 9:strarray[i]:='玖'; 0: begin strarray[i]:='零'; if i 0 then begin for i:=m downto 1 do begin strlevel[ipos+i]:=''; case i-1 of 0: if txt[ipos+i]='0' then strarray[ipos+i]:='' else strlevel[ipos+i]:='角'; 1: if txt[ipos+i]='0' then strarray[ipos+i]:='' else strlevel[ipos+i]:='分'; 2: if txt[ipos+i]='0' then strarray[ipos+i]:='' else strlevel[ipos+i]:='厘'; end; Result:=strarray[ipos+i]+strlevel[ipos+i]+result; end; end; if ispoint and (txt[ipos-1]='0') and (n=1) then Result:=result+'' //如果少于1块时,不要显示元。 else Result:='元'+result; for i:=n downto 1 do begin case n-i of 0,4,8,12: strlevel[i]:=''; 1,5,9,13: strlevel[i]:='拾'; 2,6,10,14: strlevel[i]:='佰'; 3,7,11,15: strlevel[i]:='仟'; end; //case if (txt[i]='0') then strlevel[i]:=''; //要处理零 以及加上万、亿 if n-i=4 then begin if strarray[i]='零' then strarray[i]:=''; Result:=strarray[i]+strlevel[i]+'万'+result end else if n-i=8 then begin if strarray[i]='零' then strarray[i]:=''; Result:=strarray[i]+strlevel[i]+'亿'+result end //begin else if n-i=12 then begin if strarray[i]='零' then strarray[i]:=''; Result:=strarray[i]+strlevel[i]+'兆'+result end //begin else Result:=strarray[i]+strlevel[i]+result; end; //forend;